Sunday, September 9, 2018

Summer Days

Summer at the start is a magical time. We make all these plans, we are excited for endless days of swimming, playing and just being with each other. I find that the first two months of summer are always go, go, go. We have our days planned from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. We made a summer bucket list that included a trip to an ice cream shop, a museum, a new playground, making a lemonade stand and seeing the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, there were two things on our list we did not do. We didn't do a family bike ride or visit AZ's school playground. We did however cross off a ton of fun activities and we made awesome new memories.


                                                      Hula Part in Downtown Carrollton

Father's Day matching shirts
                                                         The girls first time doing tye dye
                                                        Brielle's first talk in church
                                                               4th of July festivities

Dad and my uncles come for a visit

                                             Saying goodbye to a favorite librarian, Ms. Star

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