Sunday, March 4, 2018

A New Year with New Memories

We are excited to welcome in a New Year. 2018 is going to be amazing and we have a lot to look forward to. As soon as Jan 1st hits, Arizona is on a countdown to her birthday. We didn't plan on a party this year, and kept it low key with a birthday cake, a visit to her school for lunch and a dessert date with dad for pazookies. 
Arizona is a joy and a blessing in our lives. She is the most mature 6 year old I know. She is a great big sister who loves and cares for her family immensely. She is mindful of other people's feelings and is very in tune with her surroundings. She knows the difference between right and wrong very clearly and always wants to choose the right. We like to say that she is our churchy girl. She prays with such intent, asking that no one in her class gets a card change (meaning that everyone follows the rules). She is a wonderful helper at home. She knows when it's time to get ready for bed and rushes to put on her jammies, she cleans her room happily and puts her clothes out for the next day. She loves school so much and has woken up earlier in tears thinking she might be late. The last couple of weeks she has been ill and missed a number of days, and that makes her so sad. She has a yearning for education and has a wonderful memory. She loves math, art and reading. We love her so much and we can't believe she is ours. Happy 6th sweet girl. 

Oh, Brielle. A milestone for our youngest is Brielle joining the ranks of a sunbeam. She is now in Primary and most of the kiddos in her class are boys. Here she is with her bff, Miles. Can you see the excitement on her face? She is thrilled to be a sunbeam. 
Our sweet Adeline is now in nursery. Has it been an easy transition? Not at all. But I've never had an easy transition with any of my girls. Each one has not been a fan of leaving me for two hours on Sunday. You would think that with my third- I would drop her off and run, but it breaks my heart to hear her cry.  

In mid January- I made a trip out Chicago to celebrate my sister in law with a baby shower. As I type this, two months later, she just delivered a baby girl. I haven't heard the name yet, so keep reading my posts. My mother threw Lorena a baby shower and I came out to help set up and see my family. I went alone while the girls stayed in Dallas with Daniel. It was a great time for me to relax and sleep in! I also got see an old friend of mine, Ellen. We have known each other for 17 years and what's funny, is that we still look the same. For real- we haven't aged a bit. Good genes. Ha!

 A much as I love some me time- I do miss these sweet girls. A little time to get away and reflect on my blessings is so needed during a busy time in our lives. The mom life is hard but worth it when sweet moments like these happen. As time has gone on and as the girls have gotten older, they have shown an unconditional love for each other. It's amazing to watch them play and connect.

 We signed up Brielle for a gymnastics class on Monday mornings. She is so excited to be active and looks forward to learn new things her body can do and to jump on the trampoline. She wonders why she can't go everyday. Here she is with her friend Miles.

A few pics from school on their dress up days. Can I just say that school expectations for these dress up days are no joke. It seems like every other week, I need to be cognizant about what my kid has to wear. The pictures below are stripes day and twin day. A friend of Arizona's, Olivia, wanted to dress alike so they both wore their lemon shirts and pigtails. 

 I've also been busy with redecorating our house. We've lived here for almost two years and with Daniel signing on to a new contract with AT&T, we will be staying in Dallas for a while longer. I am so excited for that since I have loved living here and the group of people we know. Below is Arizona's new and updated section of her room. I think her gallery wall turned out so cute and her new twin bed looks great. We set up her desk where she can do her school and artwork. I love seeing her develop in so many ways and how much she is turning into a little lady.

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