Monday, March 5, 2018

Food, Kindergarten and a Baby

Our girls love to watch crafting and baking videos before bed. They will make comments about wanting to make a certain cake, or try a certain food and so Daniel committed to take it on with them. After watching a baking video they decided to make Mickey cupcakes. They went to the store, bought ingredients and went at it with the toppings.

 We also made our own pizzas. The girls loved to roll out the dough, and place the ingredients on top. Adeline loved to just sit there and cheer us on. Like many kiddos, they stick with the basics of sauce and cheese. Daniel's and my pizza had spinach, sausage, cheese, and pepperoni . We love to do hands on projects with the girls and the girls really look forward to learning something new. It's been so exciting for me to hear Arizona's curiosity on how things are cooked and prepared. I hope the girls will continue to want to learn and be excited about the little things in life.

                                                            Hat Day at Kindergarten

Mrs. Archer asked for volunteers for career day and I had originally planned on telling Daniel the date and time for him to show up and talk with a bunch of kindergarteners. It backfired on me when I responded to the email as Mrs. Archer asked me if I would be willing to talk as well. I was confused as to why she wanted me to speak, but she said she needed a stay at home mom. I happily accepted and was working out my 5 minute presentation of what I would tell the kiddos. It was great to present with Daniel too- and what's funny is that he talked about his prior career as a structural engineer.

We presented to four different kindergarten classes and those 5 minutes went by so quickly. I am obviously biased, but Arizona's class was my favorite. Her friends are a ton of fun and their smiles are infectious. I went in with a picture of the girls and told them all about what I do as a momma.    The two things I remember the most are telling them how I've been changing poopy diapers for 6 years. All you have to say is poop- and you got them! I also challenged the kids to help their mom out with a chore around the house.
Other presenters were a fitness instructor, nurse, speech pathologist, and the Chief of Police of Carrollton. When I asked Arizona who her favorite presenters were, she said the superhero lady. Ummmm... that's not a real profession. I found out later that my neighbor brought in super hero masks for the kids.She told the classes that each one of us has a special super power that we need to discover. This came from the insurance agent, what a stretch! But it captured the kids attention, so I have to give it to her. Arizona later followed by saying, we were a close second. Thanks kid.

This little nugget is my newest niece, Rebekah, David and Lorena's little girl. She was born on March 4th weighing in at 8lbs, 5 ounces. I love her squishy cheeks and I can't wait to meet her. 

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