Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life's little pleasures

August is my favorite month of the year. Not only is it my birthday month and Daniels and my anniversary, but it reminds me of new beginnings.

Birthday dinner with my hubs. We ordered too much food! 

     Anniversary dinner at No Mas! Cantina.
We celebrated our 6th anniversary and we couldn't believe how fast time flies.

I've been feeling rather nostalgic this month. August is this last month where you can take that unexpected vacation or fill in your days at the pool. As a kid growing up in Chicago we always started our first day of school after Labor Day. August was always this last month where we must take advantage of fun before we got to studying. I just loved remembering my summer days and soaking in the warm night sky before my time was on a curfew again. I've been thinking of this not only because obviously it is August, but at times I miss being a child. I liked the lack of responsibilities and having everything done for me was so simple. 

Arizona has been growing so fast and I keep thinking, soon she will be going off to school and these days of just her and I in the living room watching baby Einstein videos will all just be a memory. I am excited for when she is a little older and we can go on fun trips together,  and she can tell me how excited she is and what she looks forward to next. Her vocabulary is growing so much and I wanted to share a few more words she has seen saying. 

Cold- even if it's hot- she still says cold
All mine- a common phrase in this house
Lets go
I did it
Amo- I tell her Te Amo ( I love you)- she says Amo back to me. 
Where's the piece?

So as August is ending and the fall is creeping up, I'm excited for this new beginning of my 27th year. 
Maybe I'll buy freshly sharpened pencils and notebooks to ring in the later half of the year. 

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